8 Solo Date Ideas to Empower Yourself with Love

8 Solo Date Ideas to Empower Yourself with Love

We already know that having a strong support group is key for our overall well-being. But did you know that quality alone time is good for the mind, body and soul too? Some research suggests that there are real benefits to finding things to do by yourself. Doing things alone may help you:

  • Learn more about yourself
  • Teach you to be comfortable alone
  • Boost your confidence
  • Become more independent
  • Relive stress and improve mood

If you're not used to going places alone, the thought of eating at a restaurant or going to the movie theater alone may be intimidating or make you feel vulnerable. But what if we told you that going on solo dates can actually help empower yourself with love? Try this mantra before your next solo date: I am a badass mujer. I'm looking after my mental, physical and spiritual health and trying something new. I love myself and I deserve this!

Plus, why wait for someone else to take you on your dream date? Seize the opportunity and plan some 1:1 time with YOU, chingona! Whether you're single, dating, or in a serious relationship, it's important to take the time to date yourself. Let's check out some of our favorite solo date ideas.

1. Go on a picnic

Grab your favorite snack, make a charcuterie board or pick up lunch from one of your favorite spots and head out for a picnic. Whether you enjoy your afternoon at a park, the beach or even your own backyard, a picnic is a great way enjoy some alone time and get some sunshine.

2. Have a movie night

What better way to date yourself than a classic movie night? Buy a ticket at your local theater, grab some popcorn and enjoy a movie at your local theater. 

3. Take yourself out to dinner

Put on a bold red lip, throw on your favorite pair of heels and take yourself out to a fancy dinner for one. Get glammed up and treat your self, chingona! 

4. Go for a hike

Outdoor exercise is a great way to reduce stress and get some fresh air. You can listen to a podcast, your favorite playlist, or simply enjoy the sounds of nature. So find a hiking spot near you and go hit the trail!

5. Attend a class or workshop

Spending time alone may help you clear your head and get those creative juices flowing. Sign up for a cooking, painting or pottery class/workshop. You might learn some new tips and tricks or pick up a new hobby you love! 

6. Plan a day trip 

Did someone say road trip?! Finding new places around you is a great way to spend some quality 1:1 time with yourself. Explore a new city/town, try new foods and enjoy the change of scenery. So grab a map and pick somewhere new to travel to for the day!

7. Go to a museum or art gallery

Admire a little art, discover new science or technology, or learn more about a part of the past. Go find a local museum or art gallery to go to and get inspired!

8. Get to know yourself

It sounds silly, but just like going on a date with someone else to get to know them better, you can use a solo date to get to know yourself better too! Take a personality test, ask yourself questions, or write down your goals, aspirations and dreams in a journal. 

Now that you know the benefits of solo dates and have some ideas in mind, we're challenging you (yes you, chingona!) to take your self on at least one solo date. Whatever you do, choose activities that are empowering or make you feel good. Love yourself first. Tag us on Instagram @simplementechingona and let us know what kind of self date you chose! 

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Challenge accepted! I can’t wait to plan my date.

Stephanie Ramirez

Scheduled a monthly massage!!💕

Tricia Diane Shaw

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