Why You Should Always Take a Leap of Faith in Yourself

Why You Should Always Take a Leap of Faith in Yourself

Taking a leap of faith in any area of your life is always scary. But as I’ve learned over the years, it’s always worth it in the end.

If you don’t like something, change it. And if you can’t change it, then change your attitude. 

Rewind a few months back to me working a 9 to 5 job at a digital marketing agency that I had been at for almost 4 years. I was unfulfilled, stressed, and dreaded waking up for work every single day. I didn’t enjoy my day-to-day and I knew I wasn’t happy, but I just felt like this was part of ‘adulting.’ My friends and family were so supportive and just kept telling me to stick it out, don’t give up, it will eventually get better. ¡Ánimo, amiga, ánimo! But honestly, these words of encouragement only made me feel worse. Was I just being dramatic? Should I just suck it up? Would things get better if I just stuck it out a little longer? The longer I stayed, the worse I felt. My job was taking a toll on my mental, emotional, and physical health. I was drowning in work and barely had time to do the things I love like going to the gym every day or taking time off to travel with my loved ones. I kept saying to myself, “I’m just going to quit and figure it out.” But I couldn’t. My own fears and negativity crept in, and I would be flooded with all the what-ifs. What if I can’t find another job? What if I can’t afford my mortgage? What if I never find something I love doing? What if I fail? 

Often times, the only thing holding us back is OURSELVES. We are scared of being wrong, being uncomfortable, and not being in control. But the truth is, that’s where growth happens! My own insecurities and doubts kept me from doing what I should’ve done months ago...taking a leap of faith in myself. And that’s exactly what I did. One day, after months of internal back and forth with myself, I finally decided to quit my job. Immediately after putting my two-week notice in, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my chest. I could breathe again. I didn’t know what my future held, but I knew I was going to be ok. 

Fast-forward a couple of months later, and I am truly happier than I have been in a long time. I let go of the self-doubt, the fear of the unknown and the comfort blanket I was holding on to. I took a leap of faith and decided to jump into my freelance marketing business full time. Now I get to choose when I work, who I work with and what my days look like. I make more time for ME, prioritize my health and well-being over everything else, and have confidence in myself to accomplish what I need to.

If my story isn’t enough to encourage you to jump into the unknown, here are a few things that will likely happen when you take a leap of faith in yourself: 

1. You will learn more about yourself

If you’re afraid to leave your comfort zone or unwilling to change, you’ll never know what you’re truly capable of. The journey to self-discovery and self-love is long, but it’s worth it. You’ll learn about your strengths, weaknesses, passion and purpose.

2. You will feel confident and brave

Facing challenges and uncomfortable situations, will give you an immediate boost in self-confidence. Your fears slowly start to fade, and you have the courage to take on anything that life throws at you. 

3. You will be more fulfilled 

Doing something scary and new may bring unexpected blessings to your life - people, places, opportunities. These new additions may help you feel more fulfilled and ‘whole’ as a person.

4. You will be more intuitive 

Once you start learning more about yourself, you’ll start trusting yourself more, too. You will learn to make decisions based on your gut feelings and let your heart lead the way. After all, you know yourself better than anymore.

5. You will embrace change

Change is inevitable and scary, but once you start taking leaps of faith in yourself, you’ll realize that change is an opportunity for new experiences and growth. 

So I’m here to encourage each and every one of you to take that leap of faith in yourself, for yourself. Quit that job you hate, get out of that toxic relationship, do something out of your comfort zone. Believe in yourselves chingonas, the sky is the limit!

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