Women Supporting Women: Ways to Empower Each Other

Women Supporting Women: Ways to Empower Each Other

Empowered women empower women

At Simplemente Chingona, we want to reverse the stereotype that women don't support women. Our motto? Collaborate, don't compete. Not only does it feel good to show love and support to your fellow chingonas, but studies show that women who actively support other women are actually more successful in their own journeys. New research in the Harvard Business Review suggests that the most successful women benefit from keeping an inner circle of supportive women by their sides. So we want to show you some ways you can show support to your fellow chingonas! 

Celebrate their victories

Women celebrating women means celebrating the wins, no matter how big or small. New car? Celebrate it. A promotion at work? Celebrate it. Leaving a toxic relationship? Celebrate it. Whether you're having some celebratory drinks or simply showing how proud you are with a thoughtful text, celebrating each other's big and small accomplishments is important. 

Support their projects, events or business

Like celebrating victories, another way to support other women is by directly supporting their projects, events or small business. Show your support by attending an event they're hosting with a friend or making a purchase from their online shop. Can't make it to an event? On a tight budget? Don't worry, chingona, you can still support from the comfort of your own home without spending a single penny. A "like" or "share" of their content on social media can go a long way too! 

Check-in with them 

Don't wait for big life events to happen to check in with your fellow chingonas. Sometimes supporting other women means sending a random "How's your day?" text or email. We all could use a compliment, words of encouragement, or a shoulder to cry on every once in a while. Check-in, listen, and learn. Don't know what to say? Here are some of our favorite encouraging words:

  • You are powerful, beautiful, brilliant and brave.
  • I miss you!
  • I value and appreciate you.
  • ¡Ánimoamiga mía, ánimo
  • You are enough.
  • I am so proud of the amazing mujer you’ve become.
  • You're not in this alone.

Network and connect with them 

Build your badass woman empire by making meaningful connections with other entrepreneurs and successful women. Networking with other women is more than just handing over your business card or connecting on LinkedIn. It's about creating and nurturing relationships with other women to share ideas and experiences with one another. So don't be afraid to send an email or set up a coffee date to ask questions, swap stories and get advice from another like-minded mujer chingona.

Protect them 

Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres. I'm sure you've heard that line before - probably from your mom, Abuelita, or one of your Tias. That's because they know the power of the (right) pack. Shut down conversations aiming to tear other women down, and avoid those women who constantly stir up drama or spew negativity. Surround yourself with strong, powerful mujeres who aim to empower other women and radiate positivity into your life. 


Have fun with them 

Somos mujeres poderosas, but that doesn't mean all work and no play. Treat yourselves, ladies! Support the amazing women in your life by treating them to some fun. Invite them out to grab a coffee, get dressed up and go to a fancy brunch or a girl's night out on the town, or plan a relaxing self-care day together at home or at the spa. 

Women supporting women is more than a movement, it's a way of life. Remember, when we help other women rise, we all shine! We are all one. Who are some of your favorite mujeres chingonas to support? Let us know by tagging us on Instagram @simplementechingona. 

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Starting my small business was a big experience for me, and as time goes on I learn new things, support other small business & Share the techniques I’ve learned along the way, that I know will help them as much as it helped me. When I received my Chingona Shirt i felt Empowered 😅

Nataly Diaz

I try my best to show love and support to the women I know who own small businesses, whether it’s making a purchase, showing up to an event, or sharing with others. My 18 yr old daughter was inspired to start her own small business last year and I’ve been “all in” when it comes to support, which includes sharing pages like @simplementechingona to continue to inspire her! Thank you for all that you do and stand for! XOXO

Sonya @scm_75

I try my best to show love and support to the women I know who own small businesses, whether it’s making a purchase, showing up to an event, or sharing with others. My 18 yr old daughter was inspired to start her own small business last year and I’ve been “all in” when it comes to support, which includes sharing pages like @simplementechingona to continue to inspire her! Thank you for all that you do and stand for! XOXO

Sonya @scm_75

Absolutely love this blog post!🥰

Natalie Lopez

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